
A Pictorial “Tour” of God’s Masterpiece

A montage of images from the dramatic presentation of God's Masterpiece Easter pageant play.


“The Beginning”

Three women narrators tell the story of Jesus during this Christian Easter drama play.

“Three Women Remember” 

Song: “I Love To Tell The Story” 

The three women, who visited the tomb on that first Easter morning, narrate this play in a series of flashbacks. 


“The Life of Christ In Still-Life” 

Instrumental: “The Passion Theme” and “The Masterpiece” 

Twenty-two human still-life poses tell the story of Jesus from His birth to the Ascension against the background of poetic narration and stirring orchestration of the “God’s Masterpiece” theme. (see “The Prologue”)


An image of Jesus silhouetted in front of the open tomb.

Jesus with others celebrating His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

“The Triumphal Entry” 

Song: “Here He Comes” 

Adoring crowds, wide-eyed children, and skeptical Pharisees are caught up in the exuberant entrance of Jesus, as His disciples and an escort of dancers herald His coming into the town.


“The ‘I AMs’ of Jesus” 

“The Upper Room” 

Staged masterpiece from:
“The Last Supper”
by Leonardo Da Vinci 

As an homage to the Medieval “Is It I?” plays, eight of the twelve disciples rise up in turn from the last supper table and narrate their own personal flashbacks of the miraculous events that surrounded the immortal “I AMs of Christ.” The disciples join the action and become both narrators and participants in these famous “Bible-come-alive” moments. The audience falls in love with Jesus all over again, as each disciple reveals the depth of love and devotion he had for his Lord.


The last supper with Jesus during a Christian Easter Pageant play drama script production.

The raising of Lazarus proved that we can trust Jesus with our lives!

“The ‘I AMs’ Continue” 

John Remembers,
‘I AM the Resurrection and the Life.’

The raising of Lazarus.


“The ‘I AMs’ Continue” 

Andrew Remembers,
‘I AM the Bread of Life.’

The feeding of the 5,000.


Jesus holding a boy, and lifting up a basket of food at the feeding of the 5,000.

Jesus and the woman caught in adultery with religious leaders around them.

“The ‘I AMs’ Continue” 

Matthew Remembers,
‘I AM the Light of the World.’

Jesus forgives the adulteress and welcomes the little children.


“The ‘I AMs’ Continue” 

James Remembers,
‘I AM the Good Shepherd.’

Jesus casts the demon out of the madman.


Jesus healing a demoniac.

Jesus talks with Peter after catching the fish.

“The ‘I AMs’ Continue” 

Peter Remembers,
‘I AM the Son of God.’

The miraculous catch of fish.


“The ‘I AMs’ Continue” 

Thomas Remembers,
‘I AM Not of This World,’

Jesus explains what it means to be “born again” to Nicodemus.


Jesus talking with Nicodemus about how to be born again.

A man, dressed in Bible costume, portrays Judas who betrayed Jesus.

“The ‘I AMs’ Continue” 

Judas Remembers

His frustration with Jesus and his desire to speed things along with a meeting. 



“The Betrayal and the Persecution”

“The ‘I AMs’ Continue” 

‘I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’

The sacrament of communion comes to life as Jesus and His disciples portray the ceremony of remembrance that has become so precious to the Church.


Jesus breaks the bread at the Last Supper.

Jesus encourages His disciples and all who believe in Him to carry out His commands to love one another.

“The ‘I AMs’ Continue” 

The Farewell
‘I AM the Vine, You are the Branches.’

Song: “A Place for You” 

Jesus prays the “Priestly Prayer” as His disciples surround Him.


“The Garden of Gethsemane” 

Staged masterpiece from:
“Christ In The Garden of Gethsemane”
by Heinrich Hofmann

Jesus begs God, “…let this cup be taken from Me.”

Jesus praying in Gethsemane, looking up.

Click here to continue the pictorial tour.