
A Pictorial “Tour” of God’s Masterpiece (continued)

A montage of images from the play, "God's Masterpiece."


“The Betrayal and the Persecution” (continued)

Jesus being questioned by Scribes and Pharisees.

“The Arrest”

Peter wounds Malchus, the slave of the high priest, during the garden ambush. 


“The Trial Before The Sanhedrin”

Jesus declares, “I AM the son of God,” and the
enraged Sanhedrin accuse Him of blasphemy


Jesus being accused by two Scribes and one Pharisee.

Peter at the campfire, with one woman pointing at him.

“Peter’s Denial”

Staged masterpiece from: 
“St. Peter’s Denial”
by Rembrandt

Peter is overcome with cowardice in the face of an accusing crowd.


“The Remorse of Judas”

Judas realizes that he has “shed innocent blood.”


Lazarus betraying Jesus to the Scribes and Pharisees.

Pilate on the porch, motioning to Jesus.

“Jesus Before Pilate”

Pilate washes his hands of the fate of Jesus by asking the crowd, “Who do you want, Jesus or Barabbas?”


“The Beating”

Instrumental: “The Crucifixion Theme” 

Jesus is whipped, then carries His cross in a series of still-life light pools moving toward Golgatha.


A Roman Solder beating Jesus.

The Roman soldier piercing the side of Jesus on the cross.

“The Crucifixion”

Staged masterpiece from: 
“Crucifixion Le Coupe de Lance”
by Peter Paul Rubens 

Songs: “The Cross Medley”

This reverent medley of classic hymns provides a the emotional backdrop as the audience drinks in the full impact of the still-life portrayal of the crucifixion.



Staged masterpiece from: 
“The Pieta” 
by Michelangelo 

Song: “Light of the World” 

Jesus is taken down from the cross and gingerly laid across the lap of His mother, Mary, who assumes the pose of the Madonna in the famous sculpture, “The Pieta.”


The Pieta - Mary with the body of Jesus on her lap, and the 3 crosses behind her.

Disciples carrying the wrapped body of Jesus into the tomb.

“The Burial”

Instrumental: “The Lament” 

The women, who have narrated this play, now step into the story as they wrap the body of Christ for burial. Mournfully, they follow the disciples, who carry the body to the waiting tomb.


“The Disciples Mourn”

Song: “A Place For You” 

In turn, the disciples are highlighted, in light pools across the stage as they mourn the death of their Lord.


Two men, dressed in Bible costumes, mourn.


“New Life!”

Followers of Jesus celebrating His resurrection with His tomb cloth.

“The Resurrection”

Song: “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” 

Against the background of a thoughtful rendition of the song, three women approach the tomb, only to discover Jesus gone and angels present. They hurry back to tell the disciples. Sheer joy overwhelms them as they realize the miracle of the resurrection.


“The ‘Great Commission'”

Jesus gives the “marching orders” that still ring in the ears of every one of His followers, “The Great Commission.”


Jesus, with some disciples, on the "mountain" just before He ascended to Heaven.

Jesus, with some disciples, on the "mountain" just after He ascended to Heaven.

“The Ascension”

Staged masterpiece from: 
“The Ascension” 
by Rembrandt 

Song: “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” 

Jesus ascends the Mount of Olives and disappears in a cloud, leaving his disciples awe-struck and gazing heaven-ward. 



Song: Reprise of “Here He Comes!” 

The disciples lead the entire cast in a reprise of the song, with a new verse that points to His “Second Coming,” when His followers will once again gaze heaven-ward and shout, “Here He Comes!


Men actors, in Bible Costumes, on stage, celebrating with hands raised.