Continue The Video Tour!
Continue this video tour of a complete performance of “God’s Masterpiece”! Click on the videos beside the text introductions, and enjoy the show!
The Sanhedrin Trial
After being passed from Annas to Caiaphas, the High Priest, and then in front of the Scribes and Pharisees, Jesus if finally tried before the Sanhedrin. It was here that Jesus heard leaders of the Law shout, “Kill the blasphemer!”
Peter’s Denial
Peter warms his hands over a fire outside where Jesus is being tried. Three times, Peter denies knowing Jesus; then, the rooster crows!
Masterpiece Art: “Saint Peter’s Denial” by Rembrandt
Judas’ Remorse
Judas admits that he has “…sinned by betraying innocent blood,” and attempts to give the money back to Caiaphas. Caiaphas refuses to receive the money back. Judas’ guilt destroys him.
Pilate Trial
Pilate initially refuses to deal with the charges against Jesus, and sends Him to Herod. Herod also refuses to deal with Jesus, and sends Him back to Pilate. After hearing the crowd’s choice to release Barabbas, Pilate washes his hands of the ordeal, then gives the order that appeases the cries from the crowd to “Crucify Him!”
The Crucifixion
After a series of stirring tableaus that depict Jesus being flogged and nailed to the cross, Jesus is at Calvary between two thieves. With a background of hymns, Jesus makes His final statements and dies.
Songs: “O Sacred Head Now Wounded,” “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross”
Masterpiece Art: “Crucifixion Le Coup de Lance” by Peter Paul Rubens
The Burial
The body of Jesus is taken down from the cross and laid on the lap of His mother, Mary. After a few minutes, Jesus’ body is wrapped and carried to the tomb as Isaiah 53 is read.
Song: “How Could This Happen To You?”
Masterpiece Art: “The Pieta” by Michelangelo
The Disciples Mourn
Through lighted tableaus, the disciples are shown mourning the loss of Jesus.
Song: “A Place For You”
The Resurrection
After sealing the tomb of Jesus, a Roman Guard stood outside the tomb. After 3 days, the power of God is displayed as Jesus rises from the grave!
The Empty Tomb
The three women narrators travel to the tomb to care for the body of Jesus. When they arrive, they find the tomb empty, and Jesus’ body gone. Mary Magdalene talks to Jesus, who tells her to “Go and tell my disciples!”
Song: “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”
Jesus Appears
After His resurrection, Jesus appears to the disciples and over 500 others. All were celebrating that Jesus was truly alive!
The Ascension
Jesus gathers His disciples, and gives them His final commission to “Go into all the world…” He is then taken up into the clouds!
Song: “I Love To Tell The Story”
Masterpiece Art: “The Ascension of Christ” by Rembrandt
The Finale
A final celebration of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus! The dancers, singers, and actors all proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord of all!
Song: “Here He Comes!”